ginger lemon honey tea

Ginger Lemon Honey Tea | Benefits of Ginger Lemon Tea

Ginger Lemon Honey Tea

A warm beverage that has the sweetness of honey, the sharpness of ginger and tanginess of lemon is ginger lemon honey tea. More than the flavors, it is the benefits of this tea which should be mentioned. The combination of ginger, lemon, and honey works great. Later in this blog, the benefits of ginger lemon tea have been explained.

Ginger Lemon Honey Tea – Ingredients required

The name says it all. This honey tea calls for

Ginger: Fresh ginger root has been used to make this tea. Ginger has been grated and infused in hot water.

Lemon Juice: Lemon is squeezed into ginger infused water.

Honey: Good quality raw honey should be used to make ginger lemon honey tea.

Flavoring: You can further add spices such as star anise, cinnamon, etc to flavor the lemon ginger honey tea.

Benefits of Ginger Lemon Honey Tea:

  1. Strengthens immune system: We all know that lemon is a great source of Vitamin C. It has immune-boosting powers. Lemon and ginger both are very helpful in making the immune system strong. If you have the tendency of falling sick or coming under the weather, you have to start drinking this
  2. Soothes flu and cold: As already mentioned, lemon and ginger work great for the immune system, thereby, also helps to cure the cold, cough and flu. It helps in curing this faster.
  3. Helps with digestive issues: Studies have proved that ginger is the best to treat gastrointestinal problems such as nausea, vomiting, indigestion, etc. It works like magic and helps you get rid of the morning sickness during pregnancy.
  4. Helps to maintain body weight: Ginger and lemon combination works great to burn calories. Ginger helps to feel you full and lemon reduces the level of fat in the body.
  5. Great for skin: The combination of ginger, lemon, and honey give a complete package of vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, etc. This gives you smooth and flawless skin.
  6. Good for hair: Regular intake of ginger lemon honey tea reduces hair loss and improves the quality and texture of hair.

Recipes similar to ginger lemon honey tea recipe:

Tea is a very refreshing drink. It is an indispensable part of our routine. I love to experiment with tea. If you too like to play with the flavors of tea do try Irani chai along with a number of other chai recipes given here. You might also lemon tea. Other than these you might also like lemon ice tea, cold brew ice tea.

How to serve Ginger Lemon Honey Tea?

Serve it warm, daily for a better immune system.

Do watch Dora Cake Recipe

Ginger Lemon Honey Tea

1.This recipe makes 1 cup of tea.

ginger lemon honey tea

2.Pour 1 cup of boiling water in a kettle or mug.

ginger lemon honey tea

3.Put 1 tsp grated ginger in an infuser or directly in the kettle or mug.

ginger lemon honey tea

4.Let it steep for 2-3 minutes.

ginger lemon honey tea

5.Next squeeze in juice of ½ a lemon.

ginger lemon honey tea

6.Next add 1 tbsp of honey.

ginger lemon honey tea

7.Mix well.

ginger lemon honey tea

8.Serve hot.

ginger lemon honey tea

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Hi! I am CA Vini Mehta. A Chartered Accountant by profession, a food blogger by passion! First of all, I would like to thank you for stopping by at Viniscookbook, I hope you have a good time. Here, yo...u will find the recipes which have been tried, at times re-tried in my kitchen and relished on the dining table. I am mother of two kids and the wife of a person with a high and selective taste sense, so basically anything, before finding its place on the blog, has many levels to cross and clear. This journey started a couple of years back. Before that I was making the most usual kind of food. The only experiment used to be asking my mother how to make something new or different☺. Then, one day, I tried a recipe for butter cookies. And they did not get to go in the container as they were over before I could store them. That day I was introduced to the joy of experimenting with recipes. And I loved everything else that followed especially garnishing and photographing food. I am still not well versed with the photography dos and don’ts but I love to experiment and learn, be it photography or cooking. Hope you too enjoy this journey as much as I do☺! Stay healthy, stay tuned!.

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